They've built greenhouses at the senior center in Frisco and seniors and low-income families can have a plot if they'd like. Anyone can volunteer to help.
Summit Prevention Alliance hired Holle Vliet to be the chief farmer to staff the greenhouses. Holle will grow and distribute produce for the food banks and lead the volunteers. She's been growing vegetables in Summit County since she was five and has been the Nursery Manager for Summit Landscaping in Breckenridge. She will be available at the garden site starting in May to help plant and grow arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, chives, mint, sage, thyme and others. Please call or email Joanna Rybak for a garden plot application and/or volunteer opportunities at (970)453-9333 or visit the Alpine Garden website for more information on building greenhouses. joanna@summitprevetionalliance.org. Beginner gardeners are welcome! No experience necessary.
Go to Alpine Garden's website for more info about greenhouse building.
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